about us.
Our History
We are a group of Christ followers that have walked together in North Seattle for over 90 years. We started off in 1923 in Fremont and built a church facility that still stands as a professional building only a hundred yards from the Fremont Troll. We were known as Fremont Tabernacle in those days. In following years we moved northward to Ballard, then again to Woodland Park, and then to Greenlake. In 1963 we moved to 145th & Greenwood and became Westminster Community Church. Hundreds of people have walked toward Christ with us over our many years. We feel very blessed to have provided an environment for faith to grow and strength to be found.
Our Turning Point
Three years ago we felt in our hearts a desire to do something more direct for our community than we’d ever done. It all started with a simple question, “What would Christ be doing with His time if He actually lived on the corner of 145th & Greenwood?” That question drove us to investigate how Christ actually spent His time when He lived on earth some 2000 years ago. We evaluated the percentage of the gospel narrative that revealed Him breathing comfort, healing and responding to the obvious needs of people from all walks of life. It was a deeply interesting search for us… and a little disturbing. To be honest, we didn’t feel like our time usage looked all that much like Him. That sobering admission became a turning point for us. And soon we were holding numerous discussions about ways we could invest in and favor the lives of people in our surrounding community in a more meaningful way.
“What would Christ be doing with His time if He actually lived on the corner of 145th & Greenwood?”

Our Vision
From those first discussions, insights began to emerge until finally the idea of Community Dinners captured our imaginations. We found ourselves wondering just what might occur if we provided a dinner table with warm food, friendship, laughter and stories about Christ to encourage the heart of our neighbors. Soon the idea expanded to include numerous sites down the Greenwood line… back toward our starting point in Fremont. So with that vision before us, we began to pull together financial resources to fund it, a caterer to cook it, and enlist our good-hearted volunteers to serve it. Just like that, we were off on a new path of favoring our community with warm food. And yes… in some small way it feels that we are looking just a bit more like Christ.
Whatever we might have done to encourage our neighbors, one thing for sure is, Community Dinners has changed us. We left our comfortable building and began to hold our Sunday morning service at the Bitterlake Community Center so as to be more accessible to our Bitterlake neighbors. As our neighbors have become our friends, we have found that many people in our community are struggling to find housing and employment. Our commitment is to transform the most broken pockets of our community through dinner gatherings, housing and job creation solutions. We have a deep faith that God will bring together partners from across the community to respond to our dream to uplift Seattle one neighborhood at a time. Please visit the Housing and Employment pages for more information about these initiatives.
Our Faith
- We believe the Bible is the inspired revelation of God to man. [II Timothy 3:16-17]
- We believe that humanity, who was created in the image of God, became self-willed and broke relationship with God. [Romans 5:12]
- We believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God and came to earth to become the Savior of the world. [John 1:29]
- We believe that any person who chooses to trust Christ to be their Savior will indeed be cleansed and freed. [John 3:16; Romans 10:9]
- We believe that Christ is still present on the earth by His Spirit, to live in the hearts of His people by invitation, to strengthen them, heal them and lead them in wisdom. [Matthew 28:20; Romans 8:9-11]
- We believe that all who have been rescued by Christ have a vital role in His present day mission to gather whoever is willing to come again to the Father. [Acts 1:8; Ephesians 2:10]
- We believe that one day Christ will return for those whose hearts are loyal to Him and take us to be with Him in heaven for eternity. [I Thessalonians 4:16-17]